Not fair

see also


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Not fair (Non è giusto)

Not fair (Non è giusto)

Not fair (Non è giusto)

original title:

Non è giusto


costume design:

world sales:





film run:



35mm - colour

aspect ratio:



Dolby SRD

release date:


festivals & awards:

Naples. The summer. Sofia and Valerio are two children at an age between childhood and adolescence when their every wish depends upon their parents' goodwill. Both are waiting to leave for their holidays but the wait turns out to be longer than expected. Unwirtingly they happen to catch a glimpse of the adult world. Soon secrets come to light and lies are exposed for what they really are. Matteo and Giacomo - their respective fathers - appear confused and unable to put order in their own lives, victims as they are of perpetual indecision. Somehow they manage to come to terms with mothers and estanged wives, lovers and new babies on the way. Sofia and Valerio are forever feeling in danger due to their fathers' instability and confusion.
From one adventure to another in a sunny and nearly desert city, the two children get to know and understand each other. As if gaining sterngth from one another, they start looking at their parents with a more detached and ironic eye. Together they find a way of rpotecting themselves from the blows inflicted on them by the adult world.