Hotel Dajti

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Hotel Dajti

Hotel Dajti

Hotel Dajti

original title:

Hotel Dajti

directed by:



costume design:





film run:




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festivals & awards:

1938. Andrea is a young conjurer, who works in provincial theatres and lives on the periphery of the law. Because of a bad mistake with the police, he must run away. He accepts a contract in Albania at the Grand Hotel Dajti, a hotel that takes its name from the mountain behind Tirana. He meets an Albanian girl, Sara, with whom he gets married.
Together they give incredible illusionist shows for which he becomes famous. The police finds him, so Andrea, Sara and little Emir have to flee to Italy. It is 1944, the end of World War 2, Sara is shot, just when she is trying to get on the boat that will take them to Italy, and she disappears in the sea. Andrea and his son arrive in Italy and remain in a small village on the coast of Puglia.
He is convinced that his wife is dead and the guilt eats him alive. After a while, his son dies too from an incurable disease. Andrea sets himself up as the village sorcerer: he predicts the future and speaks with the dead.
Forty years later, Pinuccio goes to see Andrea, he has the proof that his Sara is still alive.
Pinuccio is an orphan, he has escaped from a shelter, and he “works” with the mob engaged in smuggling by sea. He feels a deep desire for a family that he never had. When Pinuccio meets Andrea their relationship becomes deeper and deeper. In a continuos flashback, Andrea tells Pinuccio his life story and Pinuccio accompanies him on a return journey to today Albania in search for Sara, among old friendships, Andrea’s past, his story and his ghosts.
Andrea has a great charming influence on Pinuccio, with his ability to transform appearance into reality, credibility into trust. Andrea changes their journey into an experience of life. Andrea conveys his sense of magic in everyday life and his intense relationship with the world to Pinuccio. Sara is dying in her bed. This last meeting with Andrea can heal the old wounds, cancel any guilt and, above all, reunite a family destroyed by time and war. Andrea manages to reunite their family in front of Sara’s dying eyes, introducing Pinuccio as their son. Like a great conjurer’s trick that allows the old lady to smile, hugging the son she believed lost, so she can finally close her eyes with a soft expression on her face. Sara dies, as if by chance. Pinuccio realises that he does not need Andrea anymore, but Andrea does need him. The journey is over, but they are not alone anymore.