Shooting Silvio (first feature)

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Shooting Silvio

Shooting Silvio

Shooting Silvio

Shooting is the story of a young, rich, outlandish orphan with no c.g. who decides to kill Silvio Berlusconi.
At the very beginning Kurtz, as everybody calls him, isn’t really motivated; he suggest his friends, whom he had invited to him, to help him organize the murder not really because he wants to, but because he would just like to make the party more exciting.
But his friends don’t even listen to him, they make fun of him, they leave him alone.
Nicole too, his girlfriend, she can’t help him; she would like to be with a man who can think about his own future, instead of a dreamer suffering from frenzy of almightiness. Kurtz, left alone and feeling humiliated, decides to show himself and other people that he can do something important; killing Berlusconi is now the aim of his life, the sense of his future, his own identity.
There he starts, learning which the peculiarities of the president are, through film library that shows the most important moments of his ascent and personality. Then he gets ready and finally starts to look at the real Berlusconi; in the end he plans to kidnap him and finds a party, Sofia.
After loosing friends, girlfriend and all of his money Kurtz will succeed in his venture, but he will loose his life.
Everybody dies...
But Shooting is a movie about life, everything happening in the movie and taking to death is actually against death; it is an invitation to live, to consider how important it is, to be alive...