Next year, i promise, i will grow up (first feature)

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Next year, i promise, i will grow up (Un altr'anno e poi cresco)

Next year, i promise, i will grow up (Un altr'anno e poi cresco)

Next year, i promise, i will grow up (Un altr'anno e poi cresco)

Faustino, a young hypochondriac, a daydreamer, undecided on the simplest matters of life, convinced to be HIV positive because a mosquito has punctured him, works at a local hospital as a conscientious objector. Professor Agosti desperate for the loss of his wife tries to commit suicide and with a great dignity prepares for the event. Meanwhile... on the upper floor, Sandro who has finally convinced his father to leave the apartment in order to make love to his girlfriend Alessia, plays noisily chasing his "prey" around the house... causing a loss in concentration in the suicide ritual the old man is carrying out, forcing him to call the hospital for a fundamental information: "Is one box of Luminal sufficient to die?". In the temporary absence of proper medical personnel, Faustino picks up the phone and manages to save the professor by telling him "... a bunch of non-sense", and in so doing conquers Angelica's heart... but for Faustino who dreamed to be the Prince that would kiss his Princess from the height of his white horse it is a hard blow to discover that Angelica is not a virgin and furthermore has a child... Luca! What to do? Time for "DECISIONS" has come!