Radio Egnatia

original title:

Radio Egnatia

directed by:


Fabrizio Saccomanno


Antongiulio Galeandro


Fluid Produzioni, Geco Produzioni, with the support of Istituto di Culture Mediterranee, Provincia di Lecce Unione dei Comuni della Grecía Salentina, Regione Puglia, Apulia Film Commission





film run:



Digi Beta Pal - colour

aspect ratio:



Ready (02/08/2008)

festivals & awards:

A Neapolitan artist with nomadic leanings is the guide along a journey which, from Durazzo to Istanbul, follows the Via Egnatia, the ancient Roman road which is a continuation of the Appian way in the Balkans. The itinerary, which is marked at every stage by a chianca, a typical stone from Lecce, tells the stories of peoples and traditions, from Salento to Turkey, across the borders and the many cultural identities. The journey finds its voice in Radio Egnatia, an imaginary radio station whose program schedule is created by the mingling of sounds and real information from those places. “ Radio Egnatia documents the living history of a secret identity of Mediterranean territories and people and of a group of men and woman who have gone in search of it. Via Egnatia, before it is a geographical expression, is a place of the soul, the connective tissue of three thousand years of history spanning East and West. A ‘relational’ film, in a web of perceptions that is traversed by a sensitivity and culture which today could help free us from the constant fear of one another.”